How long does it take?

Fitting the monitor and explaining what’s involved will take about 30 minutes. When you return to Sunnybank Cardiopulmonary the following day, removal of the monitor takes only about 5-10 minutes. Your ECG information is downloaded onto a computer and analysed. A report is sent in the mail to your doctor’s office. You should make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss the results.

What does the test involve?

A resting ECG is performed first. Electrodes are attached to your chest and to each arm and leg. You are required to lie still for a short time for this procedure.

The 24 Hour ECG electrodes are then adhered to your chest and torso only. These electrodes are attached by thin wires to a small heart recording monitor. The monitor is carried in a small pouch that hangs around your neck or clipped onto a belt.

What to do if you experience any symptoms such as palpitations, chest pain or shortness of breath:

  • Mark your symptoms by pressing the ‘event button’
  • Write down the time and a description of your symptoms on the Diary Sheet provided

Preparing for the test

There is no special preparation required for this test. You will not be able to shower or bathe over the 24 Hour period.

What to bring with you

You will need to bring the referral letter from your doctor and wear a loose-fitting shirt so the electrodes and monitor can fit underneath your clothes.

How will the test feel?

The resting ECG and 24 Hour ECG monitor are painless procedures. Before the electrodes are attached to your chest, the skin will need to be specially prepared. This involves gentle abrasion with disposable tape, and cleansing by rubbing alcohol. For men, this may involve shaving some chest hair.

The electrodes will be attached with hypoallergenic tape. In rare circumstances, a person may develop a localized rash or irritation.

To ensure accurate and clear information is recorded, please avoid scratching the skin underneath and around the electrodes.

What do I need to do over the 24 hours?

While wearing a 24 Hour ECG Monitor, you should go about your normal everyday activities. You will be given a diary sheet to record what you are doing every two (2) hours. There is space on the diary sheet for you to describe your symptoms, for example;

Time Activity
9:30 Cleaning
11:30 Reading
1:30 Lunch
12:45 Palpitation
2:15 Chest pain

What is an ECG?

An ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart. The information provided includes:

  • Rate and regularity of beats;
  • Position and size of the chambers;
  • Presence of any damage to the heart;
  • Effects of drugs or devices to regulate the heart

The 24 hour ECG monitor is primarily concerned with assessment of the rate and regularity of beats over the 24 hour period.