How long does it take?

You will need to visit Sunnybank Cardiopulmonary on two occasions about 24 hours apart. Fitting the monitor on the first visit will take about 20 minutes. When you return the following day, removal of the monitor takes only about 5-10 minutes. Your Blood Pressure information is downloaded onto a computer and analysed. A report is sent in the mail to your doctor’s office. You should make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss the results.

What does the test involve?

An appropriately sized cuff is applied to your non-dominant arm (for example, if you are right-handed, the cuff will be placed around your left upper arm). This cuff is attached to a small monitor via a flexible plastic tube. The monitor is in a pouch that hangs around your neck or can be attached to a belt.

You will take the monitor home with you and return the following day for its removal.

The monitor is programmed to measure your blood pressure at 30 minute intervals during the day and hourly at night, producing around 35 readings.

To measure your blood pressure, the monitor will first inflate the cuff, then slowly deflate, taking about 60 seconds altogether. You will be shown how to check the cuff is fitted correctly, how to adjust the cuff, and how to position your arm when the cuff starts to inflate. When the monitor is taking your blood pressure, you must stop whatever you are doing and remain still. If the monitor fails to obtain a reading, the measurement is repeated a few minutes later.

Preparing for the test

There is no special preparation required for this test.

What to bring with you

You will need to bring the referral letter from your doctor and wear a loose-fitting shirt so the cuff and monitor can fit underneath your clothes.

How will the test feel?

When the cuff inflates, you will feel firm pressure on your upper arm. Cuff inflation can cause some disturbance of sleep. Because the monitor inflates regularly, patients are advised not to undertake manual labour or drive a vehicle for extended periods while wearing the recorder.

The cuff and monitor can be removed temporarily before bathing or showering. The technician will instruct you how to remove and reapply the cuff and monitor. You should only remove the monitor between readings and ensure it is reapplied before the next scheduled measurement.

What do I need to do over the 24 hours?

While wearing a 24 Hour BP Monitor, you should go about your normal everyday activities. You need to write down what you are doing every two (2) hours on a Diary Sheet, including the time you go to bed and the time you wake up. There is space on this sheet for you to list any medications you are prescribed, the dosage and the time you take them. This information is matched with your blood pressure readings in the report.

What is Blood Pressure?

Two numbers are used to represent your blood pressure: the first number (systolic pressure) is the highest pressure in your arteries. The second number (diastolic pressure) represents the lowest pressure. High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.