What does the test involve?

Your heart rate, ECG, blood pressure and level of exertion are closely monitored while you walk on a motorised treadmill. The test is supervised by a doctor and a cardiac technician.

Your response to increasing exercise is recorded and compared to resting measurements. The test continues until you reach a target heart rate, or when you feel you have reached your limit.

We will ask you to stand perfectly still when the treadmill has stopped, while we record an ECG. During the post-exercise recovery period you are monitored until your heart rate returns to baseline and you feel comfortable.

Preparing for the test

Do not eat, drink or smoke for two (2) hours before the test. Continue taking all medications unless instructed otherwise.

What to bring with you

You will need to bring the referral letter from your doctor and a list of all current medications you take. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and walking shoes. Female patients should wear a loose-fitting or button-up shirt, and the bra will be left on for the duration of the test.

How long does it take?

You will be present for approximately one (1) hour at Sunnybank Cardiopulmonary. You should make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss the results.

How will the test feel?

Electrodes will be attached to your chest and torso and the skin will need to be specially prepared beforehand. The skin will be gently abraded with disposable tape, and for men, this may involve shaving some chest hair.

The treadmill will start at a comfortable pace, and will get steeper and faster every 2-3 minutes as the test progresses.

You must let us know immediately if you have any type of chest discomfort. This does not mean we will have to stop the test, but we do need to be aware of any symptoms.

You will need to exercise as hard as you can and tell us when you feel you are close to reaching your limit. Giving us this warning will ensure we record an ECG and your blood pressure at peak exercise. The decision to end the test is guided by your exercising heart rate, how you feel, and any symptoms you experience.

Are there any risks?

Sunnybank Cardiopulmonary Diagnostic Service follow International protocols for ECG Exercise Testing.
While there is always some risk associated with exercise testing we aim to keep these risks to a
minimum, your safety is always our priority.